Welcome to our new Absolue Créations website

Welcome to Absolue Créations, we took advantage of this period of crisis to have a new look. Here is the new Absolue Créations website, with new features and ever more security.

It seemed obvious to us to increase security measures, not only in the production line of our products, but also in our shipping procedures, and in our website.

We wanted to offer you a site that meets your requirements for ever more excellence!


We started with a change of logo, in fact Absolue Câbles imposed itself as the general logo of the brand. Absolue Créations remains. Absolue Labo and Absolue pro make their appearance. We have also set up a newsletter system, in addition to various animations on the pages.

We will keep you informed of the latest evolutions and advances of our site but also of our products. To not miss anything, subscribe to our newsletter.

We are always so happy to work with you!

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