A unanimous best seller …
The IN-TIM series, whose name is not fortuitous, opens onto a musical environment so coherent and almost palpable that the listener finds himself caught up in the sound stage , the wide bandwidth , orchestrations, vocals and performers take you by the hand.

The High Fidelity Reference awards, The Best Sound in Munich and the unanimous music lovers, make these cables a Best Seller.

Benefiting from studies carried out on the UL-TIM range, the IN-TIM Line is developed without concessions and incorporates the following proprietary technologies: Flux concentrator and AFCEM.

The IN-TIM line is justified in systems of any budget, its contribution, its neutrality, its accuracy are such that one can calmly consider a lasting purchase. Tested on systems disproportionate by the means implemented, they serve the music at all times. The emotion is constant throughout bandwidth and the sound stage widens placing each harmonic at the heart of the music.

This series constitutes the missing link on the scale of pleasure, and allows the best electronics to deploy a rare elegance, articulated, detailed, carnal: A MUST.

A complete line:

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